I met my husband when I was 17. He was living with his grandparents, Joe and Mildred, in Lincoln, RI and going to college. Where I met him!
His grandmother was amazing but she didn't quite like me at that time. I couldn't blame her since I was an awful brat, and really didn't show her the respect she deserved. This past spring, May, she passed away at 85. She was the matriarch of a family with five daughters and too many grandchildren and great-grandchildren to list. I would be hard pressed to list her many talents and skills as well. Mother, athlete, cook...
This morning I was looking through some pictures on a disk, and was struck by her youth. Here she was in these old photos, younger than I am now, alive, full of dreams for her future...life is fleeting...
My oldest son told me about a site
http://www.myparentswereawesome.com/ This is a site gathering old photos of parents...maybe I will post one. She was really like a mom to my husband at times...
Aren't all good grandmothers?
I like to believe by the time I was an older mother myself, she maybe looked upon me as a good wife and mother. One can only hope!